TU Wien Informatics

20 Years

European Forum Alpbach

  • 2015-08-27

Zwei Fakultätsmitglieder tragen vor: Ewa Vesely (UniKid, Child Care) und Radu Grosu (Institute of Computer Engineering)

Hochschule und Familie – kein Widerspruch?

Familienfreundliche Rahmenbedingungen tragen wesentlich zum Studienerfolg der Studierenden mit Betreuungsaufgaben bei und machen Hochschulen attraktiv für NachwuchswissenschafterInnen. Viele Hochschulen haben dies bereits erkannt und sich die Entwicklung unterstützender Massnahmen zum Ziel gesetzt. Welche Rahmenbedingungen sind notwendig? Was müsste sich ändern damit dem Satz „Familie und Hochschule sind kein Widerspruch“ zugestimmt werden kann?

Ewa VESELY, Representative, UniKid (Child Care) and Dual Career Advice Coordinator referiert über die Maßnahmen in diesem Bereich an der TU Wien.

Cyber Physical Systems

Not only do electronic devices, machines and power grids increasingly develop into intelligent systems; they also build very complex cyber-physical systems via IT networks, e.g. the internet cloud. What can these systems offer in the era of Industry 4.0, how are they built, who controls them and for what purposes should they better not be used?

Radu GROSU, Professor and Head, Institute of Computer Engineering, Vienna University of Technology talks with George J. PAPPAS, Detlef ZÜHLKE chaired by Robert CLARK.


Your average car has more than forty processors, more than sixty sensors, and more than forty actuators, controlled by more than one hundred million lines of code. This is much more computation power than the one that was available to the space shuttle, which carried Neil Armstrong in 1969 to the Moon. Similarly, your smart phone has more than twelve sensors and a computation power that exceeds the one of Cray 1, the supercomputer developed Cray Research in 1975. By 2020, there will be more than one thousand embedded devices per person, to a total of 7 trillion for the entire world, according to a Freescale’s prediction.

Cyber-physical systems, with their application-domain-oriented incarnations, such as, the Internet of Things, the Cloud, the Fog, the Swarm, Industry 4.0, or the Industrial Internet, are expected to unleash this tremendous sensing, actuation, computation, and communication power, and pave the way towards a smarter planet. In this talk I will shortly review the history and characteristics of CPS, outline the current CPS achievements, discuss the main technological and scientific CPS challenges, and give a brief outlook on the impact that CPS will have on our educational system and more broadly, on our society.


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