TU Wien Informatics

20 Years

12th International Conference on Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling

  • 2018-08-28
  • VCLA

PATAT 2018 - Solving timetabling and scheduling problems with AI and optimization techniques

Whether it is sporting events, educational institutions, transportation or employee management – the construction of efficient and automated timetables which optimizes all aspects of material and human resource usage is still challenging.

To align the needs of practitioners and the objectives of researchers, the Database and Artificial Intelligence Group at the Institute for Logic and Computation of the Faculty of Informatics at TU Wien is between 28–31 August 2018, hosting the 12th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT 2018).

With the support of Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms, PATAT 2018 is proud to feature the internationally renowned keynote speakers, in the field of timetabling, optimization algorithms, artificial intelligence, and operations research. The invited talks demonstrate extraordinary capabilities in tackling the problems of automated timetabling and scheduling on myriad of real-world problems.

Timeline and more on keynote speakers here.

Invited Tutorials

Jefferey Kingston´s (University of Sydney) tutorial with the title ,,Specifying Timetabling Problems: An Ongoing Story”, will give a general overview of the specification problem for timetabling. The tutorial is scheduled for 29. August at 14:00 in EI9 of the PATAT 2018 venue.

Andrea Schaerf´s (University of Udine) tutorial with the title ,,Simulated Annealing and its application to timetable”, will show the application of Simulated Annealing to some timetabling problems and discuss its results on available benchmarks. The tutorial is scheduled for 29. August at 14:00 in EI9 of the PATAT 2018 venue.


The PATAT 2018 has been brought to Vienna by Nysret Musliu, the leader of the CD-Labor (Christian Doppler Labor) for Artificial Intelligence and Optimization for Planning and Scheduling at TU Wien. The conference is sponsored by TU Wien, Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms at TU Wien, EventMAP, EURO Working Group on Automated Timetabling, MCP GmbH, Vienna Convention Bureau.

PATAT 2018 conference website

PATAT 2018 Facebook site: @patat2018

PATAT 2018 on Twitter: #PATAT2018


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